Thursday, May 2, 2013

No MAKE mistakes and build PINtool with Visual Studio

A not very long ago (late 2010), I started to look into PIN (you don't need a description. do you?) and the there were some inconveniences discovered. Well to name a few:
  • Press F7 and get a pintool Dll.
  • No Intellisence for PIN related code.
  • Bad syntax coloring for PIN Code.
  • No code definition.
  • Not to use VS console to build.
  • No other tools like GNU Make or NMake,...
  • Build the anywhere I like
Documentation says modify any of tools in PIN sources folder and use make and live with what you have. I din't like it because it was more like writing code in Notepad for PIN part, so started to look how to make it more likable. There were two places to look, 
  • Make files
  • MyPinTool.sln (Sample Visual Studio Project)
While looking at these places I found enough information to solve all the problems listed above. A step-by-step guide is as follows (To save there'll be mostly pictures) assuming you have successfully created a Empty Project in Visual Studio and have added some C/C++ source.

Step 1: create a build macro:
  Step 1.1: Click View-> Property Manager
   Step 1.2: Property Page
Property Manager
 Step 1.3: Add New Property Sheet
Add New Property Sheet
 Step 1.4: Name the sheet and Click "Add"

Step 1.5: Sheet Properties
Step 1.6: User Macros(1) -> Add Marco(2) -> Name = "Anything like PinDir" and Value = "Path to extracted PIN root directory" -> Check "Set this macro as ..." box -> OK.

Congratulations, you have just added PIN directory as build macro. This (Value of macro) be the only if you change PIN path or version.

Step 2: Compiler Settings
 Step 2.1: Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories -> [DROP_DOWN] -> <Edit...>

 Step 2.2: PinDir is the macro we created in Step 1  
Additional Include Directories.
 Alternatively you can just paste following content in the box next to "Additional Include Directories" (Step 2.1)


There may be some directories that may not be required in all the projects but "it works" :) . From here onward assuming you are in "C/C++" section in "Property Pages".

 Step 2.3: Compiler Preprocessors
    Paste following in Preprocessors -> Preprocessor Definitions
Preprocessors listed above are joined by ';'. I don't know use/meaning (yet) of most of them but again , It works.

  Step 2.4: Optimization
   Optimization => Disables(/Od)
   Enable Intrinsic Functions => Yes(/Oi)

  Step 2.5: Code Generation
   Enable Minimal Rebuild => No(/Gm)
   Enable C++ Exceptions => No
   Runtime Library => Multi Threaded(/MT)

Step 2.6: Advanced
  Disable Specific Warnings: 4530

After all the options are "Apply"ied, my compiler Command Line looks like:

/I"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\extras\xed2-ia32\include" /I"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\source\tools\InstLib" /I"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\source\include\pin\gen" /I"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\source\include\pin" /I"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\extras\components\include" /ZI /nologo /W3 /WX- /Od /Oi /Oy- /D "TARGET_WINDOWS" /D "BIGARRAY_MULTIPLIER=1" /D "USING_XED" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_SECURE_SCL=0" /D "TARGET_IA32" /D "HOST_IA32" /D "_WINDLL" /Gm- /RTC1 /MT /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fp"Debug\CallLog.pch" /Fa"Debug\" /Fo"Debug\" /Fd"Debug\vc100.pdb" /Gd /wd"4530" /analyze- /errorReport:queue 

Step 3: Linker Settings
 Lets begin Main Manu Bar
  Step 3.1: Additional Libraries
  Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Additional Library Directories -> [DROP_DOWN] -> <Edit...>

Step 3.2: Add Libraries Directories

 AlternatievelyYou can paste following content in the box next to "Additional Library Directories"

 Step 3.3: Add Libraries
   Input -> Additional Dependencies -> [DROP_DOWN] -> <Edit...>
Not: Do not forget to Uncheck the "Inherit from ...." box (3) at the bottom. There are some conflicts with default libraries.

Or you can paste following line in the "Additional Dependencies" box

  Step 3.4: Ignore Default Libraries
   Ignore All Default Libraries => Yes (/NODEFAULTLIB)

  Step 3.5: Advanced
   Entry Point => Ptrace_DllMainCRTStartup@12
  Step 3.6: Command Line
   Additional Options => /EXPORT:main
 After "Apply"ing all linker settings the command line looks like 
/OUT:"C:\******\visual studio 2010\Projects\CallLog\Debug\CallLog.dll" /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\ia32\lib-ext" /LIBPATH:"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\extras\xed2-ia32\lib" /LIBPATH:"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\ia32\lib" /LIBPATH:"C:\Pin\pin-2.12-58423-msvc10-windows\extras\components\lib\ia32" /DLL "pin.lib" "libxed.lib" "libcpmt.lib" "libcmt.lib" "pinvm.lib" "kernel32.lib" "ntdll-32.lib" /NODEFAULTLIB /MANIFEST /ManifestFile:"Debug\CallLog.dll.intermediate.manifest" /ALLOWISOLATION /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /DEBUG /PDB:"C:\******\visual studio 2010\Projects\CallLog\Debug\CallLog.pdb" /PGD:"C:\******\visual studio 2010\Projects\CallLog\Debug\CallLog.pgd" /TLBID:1 /ENTRY:"Ptrace_DllMainCRTStartup@12" /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X86 /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE 
Thats all that we need to do to build a pintool only with Visual Studio (I used 2010/2008. Not tested on 2012) unless I forgot to tell you that we must tell Visual Studio to create a Dll and not to use Multi-Byte-Character-Set like this.

Hope this helped you even if that you is me some time in future.

Important: All the steps mentioned above "just work". I din't ask so many questions so won't answer.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Corrupted Disk Volume Information.

Well there is a good news and a bad news.
Bad news is: I corrupted volume info of my external USB Harddisk.
Good News: I just recovered.

So to begin with the story, I had to take backup of my laptop data because I have a plan remove Windows Vista (aka A crap) and install Windows7( a better crap). While taking backup i had to remove my external drive, but it dint allow. So the last option, Pull the cable. So far so good.

OK. So lets resume, Plug the cable and OHHH CRAPPPPP. All drives are gone except the laptops internal drives. Now what?

Seagate Manager: Disk is not formatted. want to format? No Way.
Device Manager: Disk drives-> Seagate FreeAgent USB Device->Properties->Volumes->Populate and "Cannot populate volume information".

Ok lets boot in linux and "sudo fdisk -l /deb/sdb". Thank God. Looks like "All is well". 4 partitions.
mount says "device was not shutdown properly. use -o force". Fine. mount /dev/sdb1 /media/Software and Yes. Its all right.

Try again in Windows. No good.
Then please help google "fins drive partiotion". Got EASEUS Partition Revovery. Install->Select Drive->Scan and everything is fine. all drives are there but no drive letters. but you cannot go furthure because "there are no lost partitions".
Now what? Google again. Active@ Partition Recovery for DOS. A 16bit useless program.
But gotta do something about it. Google again "Cannot detect drive partitions". and open What? Ubuntu forums to solve Windows problem? I know a bit strange place, but YeaahHHooooo. It worked. Gotta a link to 
A tiny Open Source utility. That mostly means "I don't have to pay".
So lets check this out.
Run and a got devices in linux style. /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. Then go for "Analyse"->Quick Search. Gonna take a really long time (for 1 TB  USB HDD).
And finally 2 Partitions. No way. There were 4 :'(.
OK lets do a "Deep Search". Now this gonna take a really very long time.
Anyway got 8 items in the list.
2 for Unpartitioned Harddisk.
2 Previously Deleted partiotions.
and The 4 actually required. All marked as deleted.
Now select the partitions that need to be kept and press arrow keys (left/right) to change. (Primary/Logical/...).
Write Disk structure to disk and Done.
Reconnect and YES YES YES. Now can an go to a very nice sleep. Good night.